


World Children’s Day and Lahiru Pre-School Learns about Conservation

Sri Lanka celebrated Children’s Day on the 1st of October and throughout the month, a number of FoG sectors organized special activities for our kids.

Many of the programmes focused around fun activities such as games, songs and dance performances by the kids while some groups also had the chance to watch special kids’ movies. Overall, the activities were a celebration of childhood and the ability to give kids a chance to enjoy it despite poverty stricken backgrounds and restricted access to important resources and facilities.

The Udumulla Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centre had a day out for the kids as they went to watch a movie specially adapted for a young audience and enjoyed sightseeing at the Galle Fort.

The Gandara Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centre in Matara organized a special day for their kids filled with activities and entertainment too while the kids from the Akurala Village Heartbeat Empowerment Centre gathered by the beach for fun and games.

The little ones at Lahiru Pre-School also celebrated Children’s Day by watching a children’s movie in addition to attending a special celebration organised at the Hikkaduwa AGA’s Office which they enjoyed very much.

Earlier in the year, the Lahiru pre-schoolers also learnt about their community and neighborhood through a class trip where they visited a nearby turtle hatchery to learn about conservation and endangered wildlife that need to be protected. The little ones ended their day at the beach where they had fun playing but also took the time to clean up their surroundings so that the ocean and beautiful sandy beach would be pollution free which was directly connected to what they learnt earlier in the day about how human activities can harm wildlife and marine life.



02nd November 2017







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